Our Theory of Change

What is the problem we aim to solve?

Temperatures are rising in the UK as a result of the climate emergency which means more vulnerable people are dying associated with overheating.

Where we think we are best-placed to help

1. There isn't sufficient awareness about overheating and its harmful impacts on humans.

2. We don't have the right existing physical infrastructure (buildings) to protect vulnerable people.

3. Public green and shaded spaces are not safe or accessible for all.

How will we get there?

1. STUK is creating a knowledge hub for resources and support to allow STUK to be the 'go to' place for helping people deal with issues related to overheating.

2. STUK will look to generate funding for sustainable retrofit projects for the existing building stock and funding for outdoor community spaces that really need it.

3. STUK commits to ensuring that there is effective policy change to protect the most vulnerable.

What is the long-term impact we aim to deliver?

Everyone in the UK will have the knowledge and tools to deal with heatwaves and protect themselves (and others).

UK buildings are no longer dangerously overheating.

We have equitable access to safe green spaces for all to participate in and enjoy.

There are NO deaths of vulnerable people in the UK from overheating and in fact they're thriving.